Access and exit of the club during the major works

The club’s asbestos roof is getting replaced. Construction time is estimated between 28/1/25 to 28/2/25. The work is overseen by the GCCC Project Manager – not by the club.
Members please be aware:
No access permitted to the club by the front (carpark), north side (Coffee Shop), or South side. These areas are sealed by the contractor.
Patrolling members – club access is via the beach side erected gate only. Access via any other gate is not permitted. 
Patrol Captains have the code to access the lock box to gain entry via the beachfront gate.
Remove all patrolling equipment as normal.
The access gate is a double gate, this will allow the patrols access for the trailer, tractor and SSV.
Access to the First Aid Room is through the gear shed and through the club and to the first aid room.
All power has been disconnected to the club.
The only areas you can access are First Aid Room & Gear Shed.
During the work the public toilets are to be utilised.
The First Aid Room can be used for treatment of patients if needed.
On packing the patrol trailer and any other relevant equipment access to the beach is through the access gate.
Whilst on patrol the access gate is to be locked – this is a requirement by the Contractors.
At conclusion of patrol and pack up the roller door is to be locked with the key and the key is to be returned to the lock box. Members are not permitted to enter the other fenced areas or other areas within the club during the work period.
If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact me – mobile 0407737929 or email –