Mid-Season Update

Hello Members,
Just wanted to touch base to pass on my thanks for all your efforts so far this season. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.
As we approach the halfway mark of the season there are a few things we need to touch up on. 

Patrol log books and LIMSOC
Please remember to complete both the physical patrol logbook and LIMSOC. Branch requires both to be filled out in case of any technical issues with LIMSOC. As this is still a relatively new system, it is continuously being refined and adjusted.

GWN radios
Please remember to rinse all radios that have been on the beach with tap water and ensure they are thoroughly dried before placing them on the charger. Towels are available in the first aid room next to the charger for your convenience. Clubs are noticing that radios which aren’t properly cleaned or dried before charging are failing, so it’s important to follow this procedure.

IRB motors
It has been brought to our attention that the choke on one of the Tohatsu IRB motors is grabbing. This may cause issues when starting the motor as the choke is not entirely in or out. Please make sure if you use an IRB motor that you remove the cowling and lightly rinse the inside area of the motor, making sure no water gets into the carburetor. Immediately after this spray any wire connections with WD40 to remove excess water and leave the cowling off for the remainder to dry. 

Patrol Hours
It is everyone’s favourite time of the year! When the flags go down on the Australia day public holiday (27/01/25) at 4:00pm, this marks the end of extended patrol hours. The first patrol to return to 9:00am to 3:00pm patrol hours is on the 01/02/25.

Patrol lunches
Patrols please note that while construction work takes place at the club there will be no live power running. This of course means there is no ability to store lunch in the fridge or prepare it. For the duration of the works the club has organised Subway to be delivered to the club at around 12pm each day. Patrol captains please remember to send a patrol member up to the club at this time to collect it.

No fridges
We ask that patrol captains please collect a bag of ice on their way to patrol from a service station. This ice will be used for first aid purposes in the small esky. Once you have purchased the ice please take a photo of the receipt and send it to Shelley for reimbursement. 

If you have any questions about anything above, please feel free to reach out to John, Will, Lynne or myself. 
Jack – Club Captain
